Thursday, May 3, 2012

Red Cream Wallpaper

Red Cream Wallpaper Biography
I have used bio claire on and off for a about a year now and it works for in 2/3days you can see results. I'm a dark brown color but my face and neck are the darkest on my body. And on my face along my cheek bone I have this dark cast like blemish on both sides that makes my face look even darker. What's that about anyway! I notice some people have it. Anyway when I applied the bio clair in the tube to these areas it fades out fast and I have a even complexion on my face...however, looking at the stars such as beyonce and rhianna and kelly rowland...they are the same complexion from face to arms and legs so I would go ahead and put the cream on my neck and ALL OVER my face. It is like the natural complexion I should be because now I'm even tone all over. Now...the down side. No matter what I did to keep them weird bumps away they still came. That's why I used the product on and off. I have to get my face back right by just stopping the bio claire and constantly keeping it clean. These bumps are not the kind you can just pop and they don't go away for almost 2wks. And when they do it leaves a dark spot. I hate that. At 1st I was trying to pop and it made it worse because now the spot left is even darker than if you didn't bother it. I even started buying antibacterial soaps...the famous Lemon soap was one I tried as well. Dries your skin out and still those bumps. I tried the Noxema blemish pads...they do wonders for a teenager but that dried me out too and still those bumps. I got mad and would scrub my face with a scrubby and the Oil of Olay white bar of soap and water as hot as I can stand. Something is good about that soap on your complexion too. The only way to avoid them bumps for me....stop using the bio all together. Of course by doing this I would just go right back to my old darker complexion like in 2weeks but soon after like a month or so I was right bck on the bio. I am addicted. I love the shade and the fact that if you didn't know me and just pass me on the street or something you wouldn't even know I lightened my skin. Because I was even toned. Beautiful brown was all over me! I know for a fact that most black men are more into lighter skinned females and it doesn't seem to matter how much more beautiful a darker skinned female may be. There are even hip hop/rap that points out that beautiful black females would look better red (with lighter skin). Not to mention what you see in the majority of the music videos. I've been told many times by different people...most of them men....that "youre pretty for a dark skinned girl". I take that as an insult and with that being said....Thanks to magazines and TV....yea I would say I have a complex with my complexion but I'm older now with my own children and I'm so thankful my two girls are a very light brown complexion and they don't go through what I went through in school. I'm so happy about Bio Claire...with this lighter shade I'm so much more confident and I'm no longer uncomfortable to be in the mirror along side other females because I actually feel good about what I see. But if anyone knows anything that could be done about these bumps beside just to stop using the Bio Claire..please help. I'm caught in a vicious cycle of bumps and bio or darker blemished skin.
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream Wallpaper
Red Cream
Valentines Day Cake Pop By Crumb Boss

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